University of Maryland

College Park, MD

Primary Research Units and Focus:

Department of Computer Science (CS)
Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, High Performance Systems Software, Human Computer Interaction, Mobile Computing and Multimedia, Networking, Real-Time Systems, Software Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
Adaptive and Robust Control, Chaos, Circuit Design and Testing, Communication Networks, Compound Semiconductor Devices, Computer Architectures, Computer Security, Computer Vision, Device and Circuit Modeling, Distributed Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Error Control Coding, Geometric Methods and Motion Control, High Performance Systems, Hybrid Systems, Information Theory, Intelligent Materials Processing, Interconnection Networks, Ion Beams, Magnetics, Microwave Sources, Modem Design, Nonlinear and Stochastic Models, Optical Communications, Optical Sensors, Optimization, Optoelectronics, Process Modeling, Prototyping, Quantum Effect Devices, Satellite and Hybrid Networks, Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Signal Compression, Smart Machines, Smart Sensors, Software Engineering and Real-Time Systems, Speech, Image and Video Processing, Spread Spectrum Communications, Superconductivity, VLSI Signal Processing, VLSI Systems and CAD Tools, Wavelength-Division Multiplexing, Wireless Systems
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (IACS)
Algorithms & Complexity, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Databases, High Performance Computing, Multimedia & Interactive Systems, Natural Language Processing, Networks & Real-Time Systems, Scientific Computing, Software Engineering
Institute for Systems Research (ISR)
Intelligent Control Systems, Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems, Systems Integration Methodology

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CS Projects
CS Publications
ECE-related Institutes
IACS Projects
IACS Technical Reports
ISR Technical Reports

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Relevant TRN Categories:

Applied Computing / Architecture / Artificial Intelligence / Chaotic Systems, Fuzzy Logic and Probabilistic Reasoning / Computer Vision and Image Processing / Cryptography and Security / Data Acquisition / Databases and Information Retrieval / Data Storage Technology / Data Structures and Algorithms / Distributed Computing / Human-Computer Interaction / Integrated Circuits / Logic / MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) / Multiagent Systems / Multimedia / Nanotechnology / Natural Language Processing / Networking / Neural Networks / Operating Systems / Optical Computing, Optoelectronics and Photonics / Parallel Systems and Supercomputing / Pattern Recognition / Programming Languages and Compilers / Real-Time and Embedded Systems / Robotics / Semiconductors and Materials / Signal Processing / Software Design and Engineering / Theory / Wireless Communication

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