November 21/28, 2005


Butterflies master photonics
Biomimicry -- the practice of mining nature's billions of years worth of evolutionary experience for solutions to technological challenges -- is increasingly popular and fruitful. In many cases nature has already solved problems that humans are just beginning to tackle...

Search engines share the wealth
Search engines have a tremendous influence over what information is accessed on the Web. Some researchers have been concerned that the way search engines rank pages could lead to a vicious cycle that benefits popular sites at the expense of new and less popular sites -- a rich-get-richer phenomenon...

Finger tap interface detailed
The acoustics research that is helping law enforcement officials locate gunshot sources could also be used to turn everyday objects into virtual keyboards and command consoles...

Hologram stats ID microbes
Rapidly identifying microorganisms is important for medicine, security and biological research. While using tiny biochips to ID pathogens is an exciting emerging method, the trusty microscope is getting a makeover that promises to keep it in the game...

Bits and pieces
Plastic hydrogen storage, superlens data storage, molecular construction equipment, a way to speed up supercomputers, bright infrared from nanotubes, and guiding slow light.


View from the High Ground:
GMU's Harry Wechsler

Pervasive computing, personalized medicine, the game of Go, biometrics, 1984, machines making decisions for us, the limits of a computer science education, and the importance of not knowing ahead of time.

How It Works: Quantum cryptography
Perfectly secure communications comes down to using the quirks of quantum physics to reliably detect eavesdroppers.

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December 3, 2005
Ocean of trouble
We may see the dire consequences of global warming sooner rather than later.

A study by the UK's National Oceanography Centre shows that the Atlantic Ocean circulation pattern that keeps Europe warmer than it would otherwise be given its place on the globe is slowing and showing signs of breaking down...

November 18, 2005
Adding can subtract distractions

November 11, 2005

Attack could overload Net

November 10, 2005

Cleaner nylon

"Look at what was done after 9/11 and recently in London. They went to find the perpetrators "after" the events and using mostly manual means. This is "state-of-the-art"...."
- Harry Weschler, George Mason University

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