June 28/July 5, 2000   

   Cortex chip goes both ways
The brain's cortex inspired researchers to build a variation on standard silicon-based neural networks. The results yielded a surprise: a hybrid analog-digital chip. The work could lead to devices that have the best of both worlds, combining analog's ability to pare down large data streams with digital's number crunching precision. Full story
Sampling ability broadens quantum computing
Another quantum algorithm has emerged from Bell Labs, and it could someday help you search the phone book for whatshisname's number.

Nano-scale plotter goes parallel
Researchers on a budget could soon be able to churn out integrated circuits and DNA analyzers thanks to a tiny drop of water.

NASA grasps intricacies of human hand
The space agency is building a right hand man for its astronauts.

Algorithm evolves more efficient engine
How many parents does it take to make a cleaner-burning, more fuel-efficient diesel engine?

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