November 3/10, 2004   

   Ultrathin carbon speeds circuits
Scraping pieces of graphite can produce sheets of carbon only a few atoms thick. These ultrathin graphite sheets turn out to be closely related to their carbon nanotube cousins, electrically speaking. If researchers can make large wafers of the stuff, it could lead to ultrafast computer chips.
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DNA machines take a walk
Scientists are telling DNA to take a hike. Researchers have devised several DNA walking machines that move along DNA tracks. The devices could eventually be used in nanoscale manufacturing, in sophisticated drug delivery systems, and for DNA computing.

DNA in nanotubes sorts molecules
Selecting and sorting specific DNA segments is a basic function of genetics research and other biotechnology pursuits. Loops of DNA tucked inside gold nanotubes could make parsing minuscule bits of genetic material easier.

Single field shapes quantum bits
Building chip-based quantum computers means controlling manufacturing devices with atomic precision, which is far beyond the reach of today's commercial technology. Researchers are exploring ways of controlling sets of electrons using a single magnetic field in order to ease some of these requirements.

Nanotubes lengthen to centimeters... Coated nanotubes record light... Photonic crystal lasers juiced... Lasers move droplets... Molecules form nano containers... Square rings promise reliable MRAM.

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