July 19, 2000   

   Hearing between the lines
Computers that recognize speech still don't understand the vast amount of information conveyed by pauses and pitch. A team of researchers aiming to clue them in has shown that computers sort out the topics of a news broadcast better when they hear more than just the words. Someday your computer might even be able to tell when you're frustrated. Full story
Search tool finds answers before queries
A question answering system from IBM has a pretty good idea what you're looking for, at least if you stick to the facts.

Scatter could boost fiber capacity
An Achilles heel of multimode optical fiber could prove an advantage if Bell Labs researchers can sort out the signals.

Software makes data really sing
That avant-garde music coming from your computer's speakers might actually be a tool for analyzing large data sets.

Magnetic microscope recovers damaged data
Mangled magnetic media yield their secrets to a microscope made from the head of a hard drive.

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