December 20/27, 2000   

   Tiny wires store more
Bigger hard drives mean cramming more bits into smaller spaces. But the practice of simply shrinking conventional bits is about to bump up against the laws of physics. Storing information using arrays of nanowires set on end, however, could catapult disk drive capacities into the stratosphere. All that stands in the way is figuring out how to read and write to these microscopic bits.
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Tinier transistors keep Moore's Law on track
When will the laws of physics overrule Moore's Law? Not for another quarter century, according to two research teams who say transistors can shrink to one tenth their present size.

3-D geometry adds twists to microfabrication
A couple of glass tubes and some fancy mathematical footwork could make for shapelier microrobots and microelectromechanical systems.

Virtual annotation fosters understanding
A set of software tools helps keep people on the same page when they share documents.

Silicon process produces pockets
Researchers at Toshiba have figured out how to layer silicon on top of nothing at all. The empty spaces could make for more sensitive sensors and maybe even a better way to make microelectromechanical systems.

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