December 6, 2000   

   Biomotor powers propeller
It's the nanotechnology version of a cyborg. Researchers have grafted a biomolecular motor to a tiny metal propeller and set the device spinning on top of a metal post. The whole assembly is dwarfed by a red blood cell. Devices like these could someday play a key role in making things molecule by molecule.
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Safe havens offer practical quantum processing
Quantum computers, such as they are, are fragile creatures prone to falling apart at the slightest disturbance. But hit them with just the right kind of noise and they show a little backbone.

Mechanical data storage goes massively parallel
IBM's entry in the post-magnetic data storage derby sprouts a thousand legs. Is it enough to get it over the finish line and into digital cameras, cell phones and PDAs?

Frosted nanotubes make metal wires
A gentle mist of vaporized metal falls on a miniature landscape of nanotubes in a Stanford lab. This pastoral scene could be the future of integrated circuit manufacturing.

Interference delivers atomic details
Even the most powerful microscopes can't reveal the deepest atomic secrets. But an indirect approach used at Brookhaven National Laboratory could delve deep enough to crack the mysteries of materials like semiconductors and superconductors.

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